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  • verb [ weak ]
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screncan, p. te
Wright's OE grammar
To lay a stumbling-block in a person's way, trip up, ensnare
Show examples
  • Eft hé cwæð: 'Ne screnc dú ðone blindan' . . . Se screncþ ðone blindan ðe ðone ungesceádwísan mirþ

    protinus adjunxit: 'Nec coram coeco pones offendiculum' . . . Coram coeco offendiculum ponere est . . . ei, qui lumen discretionis non habet, scandali occasionem praebere.

      Past. 59, 6; Swt. 453, 1-4.
  • Cf. Hé þurh ealle uncysta ða mód gescrencþ

    per universa vitia animum supplantat,

      11, 6; Swt. 73, 2.
  • Healden hié ðæt hié ða ne screncen ða ðe gáþ on ryhtne weg tóweard ðæs hefonríces

    ne ad ingressum regni tendentibus obstaculum fiunt,

      9; Swt. 59, 19.
[Ute we bidden God ðæt he us shilde þerwið þat he (the devil) us ne shrenche and seien: Custodi me a laqueo, O. E. Homl. ii. 209, 18. Þe deouel þat weneð me to schrenchen ant schunchen of þe weie þat leadeþ to eche lif, Jul. 34, l. He wile scrennkenn hemm Full hefig fall to fallenn, Orm. 11861. To scrennkenn ure sawless, 2618.]
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  • screncan, v.