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  • noun [ neuter ]
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weorold-þing, es; n.
A worldly thing, matter, affair
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  • Ne sý nán sacerdhádes man ðe durre geþrístlǽcan, ðæt ǽnig ðara fata, ðe tó god-cundum bígonge gehálgod bið, tó ǽnigum woruldþinge dó (

    put it to any secular use

      L. E. I. 18; Th. ii. 412, 30.
  • Mid ungerisenlícum gewilnungum ðissa woroldðinga (world-, Cott. MSS.)

    ambitione inhonesfa,

      Past. 21; Swt. 157, 9.
  • Sió úterre ábisgung ðissa woroldðinga ðæs monnes mód gedréfð

    cor externis occupationum tumultibus impulsum,

      22; Swt. 169, 13.
  • Woruldðinga, pref. ; Swt. 5, 3.
  • Hé wæs hwón giernende ðissa woroldþinga and micelra onwalda

    vir tranquillissimus,

      Ors. 6, 30; Swt. 280, 29.
  • Hwæðer ðæt nú sié tó talianne wáclíc and unnyt, ðætte nytwyrþost is ealra woruldþinga, ðæt is anweald ?

    num imbecillum, ac sine virtutibus aestimandum est, quod omnibus rebus constat esse praestantius ?

      Bt. 24, 4; Fox 86, 17.
  • Ðonne hé fægnaþ ðæt hé sié ábisgod mid woroldðingum

    dum se urgeri mundanis tumultibus gaudent,

      Past. 18; Swt. 129, 3.
  • Freom in weoroldðingum

    in saeculi rebus strenuus,

      Bd. 4,2; S. 566, 18.
  • On woruldþingan,

      L. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 17.
  • Of wurðfulre mǽgðe æfter woruldþingum

    of a family honourable from a worldly point of view,

      Homl. Skt. ii. 31, 14.
  • Wé forléton ealle woruld-ðing

    nos dimisimus omnia

      10, 28), Homl. Th. i. 392, 32, 28.
  • Ðá ðá his geógoð æfter gecynde woruldðing lufian sceolde, ii. 118, 23.
[ȝif we forleosað þas lenan worldþing, O. E. Homl. i. 105, 30. He hadde michel of wereldþinge, ii. 127, 16. To geornenn affterr weorelldþing, Orm. 2966.]
Full form


  • weorold-þing, n.