Bosworth Toller's


Dictionary online


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Dele 'the zodiac,' and add: a cycle, circular arrangement for computing
Show examples
  • Sceal wintrum fród on circule cræfte findan hálige dagas,

      Men. 67.
  • Rímcræftige men wyrcað heom fægere circul of þám fíf stafum . . . on þám circule fiftýne niht hig onfóð . . . Ðys ys ꝥ eahtoðe geár on þám circule,

      Angl. viii. 327, 36-47.
  • Ðás circulas synt behéfe eallum gehádedum mannum. . . . On þissum circulum ǽrest stent se circul þe gebyrað tó þǽre lengtenlican tíde,

      328, 44-7. v. getæl-, tácn-circul.
Full form


  • circul,