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Wright's OE grammar
peace as opposed to strife, discord
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  • Þǽr is frið freóndum bitweón bútan æfestum, . . . sib bútan níðe,

      Cri. 1659.
  • Bisceop sceall saca sehtan and frið wyrcan,

      Ll. Th. ii. 312, 14.
  • Ne wénaþ gé þe ic cwóme frið ł sibb (pacem) tó sendanne on eorðe ; ne cwóm ic frið tó sendanne ac sweord, Mt. R. L. 10, 34. (l a) of friendly relations between peoples :-- Þá þá Engle and Dene tó friðe and tó freóndscipe fullíce féngon, Ll. Th. i. 166, 7. (l b)

    absence of dissension

    among a people :-- Wese áwa frið on Israhéla fǽlum folce,
      Ps. Th. 148, 14.
  • Hié on friðe lifdon mid heora aldor,

      Gen. 19.
  • Þæt man frið and freóndscipe rihtlíce healde,

      Ll. Th. 1. 304, 12.
peace, state in which law and order are maintained, absence of disorder and crime
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  • Þú scealt féranand frið lǽdan þǽr sylfǽtan éðel healdað morðorcræftum

    you shall go and introduce law and order among the murderous cannibals,

      An. 174. (2 a) in a technical legal sense :-- Be fryðe. Eádweard cyning myngode his wytan . . . ꝥ hý
  • Icþancige Gode . . . þæs friðes þe wé nú habbað æt þám þýfðum,

      250, 5.
  • Laga tó friðes bóte,

      292, 3.
  • Tó úre ealra friðe,

      236, 27 : 238, 8.
  • Þ frið swá healdan swá Æðelstán cyng hit gerǽd hæfð,

      240, 2.
  • Þone frið, 14.
  • Hé folces frið bétte. Chr. 959; P. 114, 20.
  • Þ góde frið þe hé macode on þisan lande, swá ꝥ án man mihte faran ofer his ríce mid his bósum full goldes ungederad, 1086 ; P. 220, 12.
peace as opposed to war.
agreement settled between two peoples previously at war, peace after war
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  • Æt þám hearmum þe gedón wǽre ǽr ꝥ frið geset wǽre,

      Ll. Th. i. 288, 2 : 152, 2.
  • Hé frið genam wið hié and hí under þǽm friðe beswác,

      Ors. 4, 12; S. 210, 10.
  • Hé wæs winnende oþ hé genóm friþ wiþ þæt folc

    adeo infeliciter praelia gessit, ut foedus cum Numantinis facere cogeretur,

      5, 2; S. 218, 30.
  • Mon fæstnode ðone frið wið Eást-Engle,

      Chr. 906; P. 94, 21.
cessation of hostilities
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  • Man wið þone here friðes ceápode,

      Chr. 1004; P. 135, 24.
  • Twá and twéntig þúsend punda mon gesealde þám here of Ænglalande wið friðe,

      Ll. Th. i. 288, 13.
  • Sió láf wiþ þone here friþ nam,

      Chr. 867; P. 68, 26: Ors. I. 10; S. 46, 8.
abstinence or freedom from attack
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  • God lýfde þæt hý him mid hondum hrínan mósten and þæt frið wið hý gefreoðad wǽre

    God allowed them to lay hands on him and no attack was made on them in return,

      Gú. 382.
  • Gíslas syllan friðe tó wedde,

      Ll. Th. i. 156, 5.
  • Hié micle áþas swóron and þá gódne friþ heóldon,

      Chr. 877 ; P. 74, 21.
  • Þ hý móstan þám læppan frið gebicgean,

      Ll. Th. i. 284, 13.
friendly (instead of hostile) relations
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  • Wé cómon of fyrlenum lande, and wé gewilniað friðes and freóndrǽdene wið eów

    (pacem vobiscum facere capieníes),

      Jos. 9, 6.
  • On his ríce mid friðe gesittan,

      Ors. 6, 34; S. 290, 21.
security from molestation
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  • Wé gesáwon hys angsunmisse þá hé ús friðes bæd, and wé him nánes ne tíþedon (

    dam deprecaretur nos, et non audivimus

      Gen. 42, 21 : An. 1130: Jul. 320.
  • Hé mid friðe þurh Normandíg faran ne mihte

    he could not pass through Normandy unmolested.

      Chr. 1094; P. 229, 32 : By. 179.
  • Þæt hié hine gebróhten of þǽre folcsceare, þæt hé on friðe wǽre,

      Gen. 1872.
  • Geceás hé Bizantium, tó ðon ðæt him gelícade þæt hié þǽr mehten betst frið binnan habban

    Byzantium aptissimum judicavit, ut receptaculum sibi fieret,

      Ors. 3, 7 ; S. 116, 6.
  • Lǽtað frið ágan gistas míne (

    viris istis nihil mali faciatis,

      Gen. 19, 8), Gen. 2471.
  • Hé áh æt gefeohte frið

    he shall receive no hurt in battle,

      El. 1184. (4 a) where security is assured by the law or by a person in authority :-- Se cyng hét beódan, ꝥ ealle . . . eall swá hí
  • Ǽlc ceápscip frið hæbbe . . . þéh hit unfriðscyp sý,

      Ll. Th. i. 384, 20 : 286, 5, 8, 10, 12.
  • Sé þe on þám húse beó hæbbe frið mid þé

    qui eccum in domo fuerint, redundabit in caput nostrum, si eos aliquis tetigerit,

      Jos. 2, 19. ¶
    where the authority is superhuman :-- Friðes earnian tó Dryhtne, Reb. 13.
  • Friðes wilnian tó þám golde þe hé him tó gode teode,

      Dan. 214.
  • Þú


    scealt frið habban . . þonne sweart wæter werodum swelgað,
      Gen. 1299.
by a person
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  • Him frið Drihtnes wið gryre aldor gescylde,

      Dan. 466.
  • Hé mé þone hálgan heap helpe bidde, friðes and fultomes,

      Ap. 91.
  • Beornas forhte friðes wilneden, miltsa tó mǽrum

    (Domine, salva nos, perimus,

      Mt. 8, 25), An. 448.
  • Beþurfon hí ꝥ hí óleccan þǽm æfter friðe þe máre habbað

    alieno praesidio indigentes,

      Bt. 26, 2 ; F. 92, 29.
  • Hié on friðe Drihtnes of gryre treddedon,

      Dan. 438.
  • Dryhten folcrǽd fremede, swá hé tó friðe hogode (

    he was earnest to protect them),

      An. 622.
  • On frið Drylitnes gelǽdan, 1036.
  • Ic mé frið wille æt Gode gegyrnan . . . mec Dryhtnes hond mundað, Gú. 228. (a α)


    of subjects by a ruler :-- Eall þeós worold geceás Agustuses frið ; and eallum monnum nánuht swá gód ne þúhte swá hié tó his hyldo becóme, and ꝥ hié his underþeówas wurden,
      Ors. 5, 15 ; S. 250, 16.
  • Hié gecuron his (Theodosius') frið Romano sese imperio dediderunt, 6, 35 ; S. 292, 13, Hé


    him frið beódeð . . . 'Onfóð mínes fæder ríce, '
      Cri. 1341. (a β)
    ) Hié gesóhton Agustus him tó friþe, Ors. 5, 15; S. 250, 14.
  • Seá þeóð gesóhte Ecgbryht cyning him tó friþe and tó mundboran,

      Chr. 823; P. 60, 18.
  • Hé gesóhte Rðmáne him tó friþe, and hié sendon þone consul mid him mid firde,

      Ors. 5, 7 ; S. 228, 13.
  • Þæt his hergas wǽron mihtígran mannum tó friðe þonne Drihten,

      Dan. 716.
by a place
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  • Hié burga gehwone ábrocen hæfdon þára þe þám folce tó friðe stódon, Dan. 64. (b α) in a technical sense of the privilege of a sanctuary :-- Be circena friðe. We settað ǽghwelcere cirican þis frið, Ll. Th. 64, 7-9. ¶ figurative :-- Þonan ǽnig ne mæg firendǽdum fáh frið gewinnan

    from hell may no sinner escape to a sanctuary,

      Cri. 1001.
terms made with an enemy of the law. Mowing of an outlaw. Cf. friþ-Ieás
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  • Sé þe útlages weorc gewyrce, wealde se cyningc þæs friðes (

    qui opus utlagii fecerit, ejus revocatio sit in misericordia regis,

      Lat. version), Ll. Th. i. 382, 19.
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v. ciric-, deór-, mæþel-, un-, weorold-friþ.
Full form


  • friþ,