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  • verb [ weak ]
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ge-æmtian, l. ge-ǽmtian,
and add:
to empty, remove the material contained in something
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  • Þá eágan wǽron út ádýde of þám eáhhringum, and se óðer æppel wæs geémtigod and se óðer hangode gehál,

      Hml. S. 21, 280.
to free a person from occupation,
give leisure to a person for a purpose
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  • Hé gyrnde ꝥ hé wǽre geǽmtigod tó his gebede

    vacare oratione concupiscens

      Gr. D. 290, 16.
  • Ðonne hí geǽmetgade biód ðæt hié magon bet dón ðonne óðre menn

    meliora agere vacantes

      Past. 401, 7.
  • II a. generally reflexive, to free oneself.
from occupation,
to be disengaged
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  • Geǽmetgiað eów and gesióð

    vacate et videte

      Ps. Th. 45, 9.
with gen.
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  • Hú hié hié geǽmettian (-ǽmeti-gian,

    v. l.

    ) scoldon óðerra weorca,
      Past. 131, 5.
with prep.
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  • Þonne heó mæg hí fram hyre láre geǽmtigan,

      Ap. Th. 22, 12.
in order to do something, to make or get time for a purpose,
devote oneself to
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  • ꝥ hé hine geǽmtogode (-émtigode, -ǽmetgode,

    v. ll.

    ) Gode tó þeówianne,
      Gr. D. 52, 8.
  • Hé hine geǽmtigode tó þám weorce,

      329, 12.
  • Geǽm-tigeað inc tó gebedum,

      Past. 399, 35.
  • On tídum þám hí geǽmtian [gebróðru?] rǽding . . . þe lǽs þe sí gemét [bróðor] ásolcen, sé geémtige ídelnesse

    horis quibus vacant fratres lectioni. . . ne forte inveniatur frater accidiosus, qui vacet otioso

      R. Ben. l. 83, 7.
Full form


  • ge-æmtian, v.