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the seat of thought, intellect, mind, heart, spirit, breast
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  • Ðæt hé selle Gode his ágne breósð, ðæt is his inngeðonc (ingeðanc,


      Past. 83, 1.
  • Hú mǽg ꝥ yfel beón ꝥte ǽlces monnes ingeþanc wénþ ꝥte gód sié, Bt. 24, 4; F. 86, 12, Hé ongann smeálíce þencan on his módes ingeþance

    velut in angustum suae mentis sedem recepta,

      24, 1; F. 80, 6.
  • Hweðer geleornodest þú þe myd þám eágum þe mid þám ingeþance (


      Solil. H. 21, 13: 19, 1, 3.
  • Mid eádméde ingeþance,

      Ps. C. 152.
  • Ic wolde ꝥ ðú wendest þín ingeþanc from þám leásum gesǽlþum

    deflecte in adversum mentis intuitum,

      33, 3; F. 126, 5.
  • Hit bið getǽsed on ðæt ingeðonc

    in intimis tangitur,

      Past. 297, 18.
  • Ingeþanc

    precordia, i. intima,

      An. Ox. 3566.
  • Hwelce sín ðáinngeðoncas monna búton suelce sumere hearpan strengas áþenede ?

    quid sunt intentae mentes nisi quaedam in cithara lensiones stratae chordarum

      Past. 175, 6.
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  • Gé forseóþ þá craeftas eówres ingeþonces and eówres andgites

    relicta conscientiae virtutisque praestantia,

      Bt. 18, 4; F. 66, 23.
a thought, cogitation
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  • Ðá ingeðoncas ðe wealcað in dæs monnes móde

    cogitationes quae volvuntur in mente,

      Past. 155, 21.
intention, purpose; intentio
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  • Ðæt innegeðonc (in-, v. l.) ðǽre heortan

    cordis intentio,

      Past. 141, 7.
  • Ne gehwyrfde hine nǽfre ðæt unryhtwíse ingeðonc

    (intentio perversa)

    tó ðǽm wón andgiete,
      365, 18.
  • On swelcum . . . ǽlces mennisces módes ingeþanc bið geswenced

    in talibus humanorum actuum volorumque versatar intentio.

      Bt. 24, 3; F. 82, 21: 36, 3; F. 176, 6, 20.
  • Mid ealles módes geornfullan ingeþance hígian,

      22, 2 ; F. 78, 18.
  • Sió synn ðe longe gesired bið, sió cymð symle of yflum ingeðonce

    in studiis malitiosa semper intentione peccatur,

      Past. 435, 17.
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v. in-gehygd.
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  • in-geþanc,