Bosworth Toller's


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  • adverb
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  • Hú mæg ǽnig man hine inweardlíce tó Gode gebiddan, búton he inwerdlíce (-weard-,

    v. l.

    ) on God hæbbe rihtne geleáfan,
      Wlfst. 21, 2-4.
  • Inweardlíce

    medullitus (dilexerit ),

      An. Ox. 7, 114.
  • Inwurdlíce, 2007.
  • Inwerdlí[ce]


      56, 147.
  • Gebide þé fæáwum wurdum swá þú inweardlicost mage ora brevissime ac perfectissime quantum poles, Solil. H. 55, 14. ¶ for-inweardlíce. In Bt. F. 236, 9 and in the following passage for is a prefix rather than an independent adverb :-- Wǽre þú forinwordlíce dysig ðá þú wilnodest þæt þú scoldest mid swylcum æágum þá heáhsunnan geseón

    quaenam talium oculorum impudentia est velle illum solem videre,

      Solil. H. 34, 15.
Full form


  • inweardlíce, adv.