Bosworth Toller's


Dictionary online


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in a good sense, eager to deserve praise, B. 3183
(in Dict. ).
in a bad sense,
ostentatious, boastful
Show examples
  • Se seofoða leahter is


    gecweden, ꝥ pound; is ýdel gylp; ꝥ is ðonne se man bið lof-georn and mid lícetunge færð, and déð for gylpe gif hé hwaet dǽlan wile,
      Hml. S. 16, 302.
  • Ne sý nán man lofgeorn, ne wilnigende þæt his dǽda hálige gesǽde sién, ǽr hié hálige weorðan,

      R. Ben. 18, 18.
  • Ná hé lof-georn (

    but the Latin has

    prodigus) ne sý,
      55, 3.
Full form


  • lof-georn,