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  • noun [ feminine ]
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tunge, an ; tung [? in the passage: Álés sáwle míne fram tunge fácen-fulre a lingua dolosa (but in the next verse linguam is glossed by tungan, so that perhaps tunge is meant for nominative : O. L. Ger. and O. H. Ger. , however, have strong as well as weak forms), Ps. Lamb. 119, 2], e; f.
Wright's OE grammar
§111; §211; §217; §218; §289; §298; §317; §403; §404;
a tongue
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  • Tunge


      Wrt. Voc. i. 64, 56.
  • Gif monnes tunge biþ of heáfde óðres monnes dǽdum dón, ðæt biþ gelíc and eágan bót,

      L. Alf. pol. 52 ; Th. i. 94, 20: Exon. Th. 373, 25 ; Seel. Ex. 115.
  • His tungan (tungæs, Lind. : tunga, Rush. ) bend

    uinculum linguae eius,

      Mk. Skt. 7, 35.
  • Hé his tungan (tunga,

      Lind. Rush. ) onhrán, 7, 33.
  • Rómáne ðæm pápan his tungon forcurfon. Chr. 797 ; Erl. 58, 13.
as representing the person who speaks with the tongue
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  • Sió tunge bið gescinded on ðám láriówdóme, ðonne hió óðer lǽrð óðer hió liornode,

      Past. 1; Swt. 27, 11.
  • Seó tunge ðe swá monig hálwende word on ðæs Scyppendes lof gesette,

      Bd. 4, 24; S. 599,
    Mín tunge mǽrde ðín weorc, Ps. Th. 70, 22.
  • Alýs míne sáwle from ðære tungan ðe teosu wylle. Hwæt bið

    seald from ðære inwitfullan tungan ?
      119, 2, 3.
  • Heora tungan sprecaþ fácn,

      5, 10.
  • Wǽron hyra tungan tó yfele gehwam scearpe,

      56, 5.
representing the words expressed by the tongue,
words, speech, language
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  • Hí mid tungan heora fácenfullíce dydon,

      Ps. Spl. 5, 10.
  • Mé inwit næs on tungan,

      Ps. Th. 138, 2.
  • Fram swésere tungan útoncumenre,

      Kent. Gl. 159.
  • Ðá betǽhte Ecgferð on hálre tungan (

    in plain language)

    land and bóc
      Dúnstáne, Chart. Th. 208, ii: 272, 5. (v. hál. )
    Wið andan and wið ða micelan mannes tungan, Lchdm. i. 384, 22.
  • Mid ðæm sueorde hiera tungna tǽlinge, Past. 28; Swt. 199, 6. (2 a)

    a language, speech

    :-- Hí sprecaþ níwum tungum,
      Mk. Skt. 16, 17.
representing power of speaking
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  • Ic hæfde ðe lætran tungan,

      Ex. 4, 10.
a tongue-shaped thing:
Heard is mín tunge,
    Exon. Th. 489, 16; Rä. 78, 8.
Hit hafaþ tungan lange, 439,23; Rä. 59, 8.
[Goth. tuggó: O. Sax. O. L. Ger. tunga: O. Frs. tunge: O. H. Ger. zunga : Icel. tunga.]
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  • tunge, n.